Primary Care Health Clinic
Medically-Trained Naturopathic Doctor
Se habla español
Medical Exams and Procedures, Botanical Medicine, Naturopathic Urgent Care, Spinal alignment, Arvigo Abdominal Therapy, Cupping, Homeopathy, Acu-Gemstone Therapy, Soft Tissue Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Nutrition, Fertility, Pregnancy Care, Effective Alternatives to Pharmaceuticals and Surgery
What you need to know about Naturopathic Medicine
Have you ever wished that there was a medical doctor that was well-versed in natural healthcare? If so, Naturopathic Medicine is the type of health care you have been looking for. Many people are surprised to hear that there exist medically-trained professionals that are also experts in natural healing. Naturopathic Doctors are the true bridge between scientific modern medicine and the ancient wisdom of natural healing.
Caution: The majority of practitioners that are naturopaths or call themselves Naturopathic Doctors are not medically-trained. Naturopathy is the only profession where two completely different types of practitioners use similar names, causing confusion for many seeking alternative healthcare.
Medically-trained NDs are educated similar to MDs and DOs, and are trained to be primary care physicians, while nonmedically-trained naturopaths receive very little education with no pre-med bachelor degree requirement, no medical training, and no physical medicine, acupuncture, minor surgery, etc. as do medically-trained NDs. At a minimum, medically-trained Naturopathic Doctors must be educated and trained to the level of an M.D. in order to receive a License to Practice Medicine and be recognized as a Physician, regardless of the state.
Click here to learn more about medically-trained NDs.
Click here to see a list of medically-trained Naturopathic Doctors in Colorado.
Click here to learn more about where medically-trained NDs rank in the hierarchy of doctors/physicians.

Mucho como un médico, la Dra. Caravone tiene licencia para hacer lo siguente:
Diagnosticar y tratar enfermedades
Prescribir productos farmacéuticos
Pedir imágenes y laboratorios
Realizar exámenes médicos incluyendo Papanicolau
Consultar a los especialistas
Realizar cirugía menor, inyecciones intravenosas y otras inyecciones
Ofrecer terapias naturales
Medicina botánica
Acupuntura y catación
Técnicas de manipulación naturista
Técnicas Arvigo de los Maya, terapia Abdominal
Esencias florales
Aceites esenciales
Desintoxicación, purificación, ayuno y terapias
Cataplasmas y medicina de arcilla
Terapias de aceite de ricino
Terapia de piedras preciosas
Baño espiritual a base de hierbas