Primary Care Health Clinic
Medically-Trained Naturopathic Doctor
Se habla español
Medical Exams and Procedures, Botanical Medicine, Naturopathic Urgent Care, Spinal alignment, Arvigo Abdominal Therapy, Cupping, Homeopathy, Acu-Gemstone Therapy, Soft Tissue Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Nutrition, Fertility, Pregnancy Care, Effective Alternatives to Pharmaceuticals and Surgery
What you need to know about Naturopathic Medicine
Have you ever wished that there was a medical doctor that was well-versed in natural healthcare? If so, Naturopathic Medicine is the type of health care you have been looking for. Many people are surprised to hear that there exist medically-trained professionals that are also experts in natural healing. Naturopathic Doctors are the true bridge between scientific modern medicine and the ancient wisdom of natural healing.
Caution: The majority of practitioners that are naturopaths or call themselves Naturopathic Doctors are not medically-trained. Naturopathy is the only profession where two completely different types of practitioners use similar names, causing confusion for many seeking alternative healthcare.
Medically-trained NDs are educated similar to MDs and DOs, and are trained to be primary care physicians, while nonmedically-trained naturopaths receive very little education with no pre-med bachelor degree requirement, no medical training, and no physical medicine, acupuncture, minor surgery, etc. as do medically-trained NDs. At a minimum, medically-trained Naturopathic Doctors must be educated and trained to the level of an M.D. in order to receive a License to Practice Medicine and be recognized as a Physician, regardless of the state.
Click here to learn more about medically-trained NDs.
Click here to see a list of medically-trained Naturopathic Doctors in Colorado.
Click here to learn more about where medically-trained NDs rank in the hierarchy of doctors/physicians.
Dr. Caravone offers a variety of classes for you to learn more about Naturopathic Medicine and Arvigo Abdominal Therapy. Stay tuned for more classes coming in 2016.

Upcoming Events and Specials
Keep posted for new events coming soon!

Past events:
Previous classes:
Transformational 28-day Cleansing Program
Dr. Caravone is facilitating a cleanse class series
at a discounted rate.

The Arvigo Techniques of
Maya Abdominal Therapy™
Self Care Training, Level 1
March 28-30, 2014 Tempe, AZ
April 4-6, 2014 Arvada, CO
May 16-18, 2014 Salida, CO
May 30-June 1, 2014 Fort Collins, CO
A Time of Discovery... Join us for a nurturing retreat to discover the ‘why’ and ‘how’ to support your own digestive and reproductive organs by using an ancient therapeutic technique that gently guides them back into proper placement. Through this therapy we restore the proper flows of blood, lymph, nerve impulses and energy throughout the belly. As a side effect, a variety of organ displacement symptoms can be helped. Of particular emphasis in this tradition is the placement of the uterus, which can ‘wander’ in the pelvis throughout a woman’s life, contributing to female issues such as painful menses, bladder incontinence, PMS, infertility, painful intercourse, and difficult menopause. Other symptoms of organ displacement include low back pain, constipation, indigestion and digestive disorders such as IBS, benign swollen prostate, and low energy (to name a few). These techniques can also help normalize post-surgical scar tissue discomfort that can result from surgery (e.g.: hysterectomy). This approach to belly vitality is gentle, non-invasive, external, and easy to learn for yourself. I invite you to discover what it can do for you.
This 2½ - day course covers anatomy and physiology of the abdominal and reproductive organs, addresses causes and symptoms of mal-positioned organs and demonstrates self-care techniques. The class is beneficial for both women and men. Self Care also addresses herbal, nutritional, spiritual and emotional support for these therapeutic techniques to ensure comprehensive understanding of the modality and how it contributes to wellness. CEU’s are available for midwives, massage therapists, and acupuncturists.
Registration can be completed online through the Arvigo Institute, at www.arvigotherapy.com. This course is for self care only; it does not teach clinical applications. It is a prerequisite for advancement to Professional Care Training, Level 2. Tuition is $425 unless you register for the early bird price ($360). Early registration dates are listed under this course at www.arvigotherapy.com. A non-refundable deposit of $100 is due at the time of registration.
For more information, contact instructor Dr. Caravone, ND, MA
at 720-HEALER6 (720-432-5376) or visit www.drcaravone.com.
Dr. Kimberly Caravone, ND, MA is a licensed Naturopathic Physician in Arizona and a Naturopathic Doctor in Colorado. She teaches the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ in the same format as Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN. Dr. Caravone is an Arvigo Certified Self Care Teacher, Certified Arvigo Practitioner, Arvigo Advanced Pregnancy Practitioner, Arvigo Community Educator, and an Arvigo Spiritual Healing Practitioner.
Tuesday, February 25 6:30-8:30 PM
Cold or flu got to you? What if I were to tell you that colds, flus, and fevers were actually good for you?
Dr. Caravone is holding a cold and flu class to help you through the winter… and beyond.
Learn how to take care of yourself throughout the cold and flu season in ways that are body-strengthening and immune-building. If you follow protocols that work with the body's natural responses rather than against them, you may not only prevent future health concerns, but you will feel better faster!
In this class, you will learn how to get over the cold and flu quicker, with less discomfort, all while improving your long-term health. Naturopathic Medicine is exceptional in treating colds and flus – when done properly.
Did you know that getting a cold and/or flu is an opportunity for the body to clean itself?
Getting sick with a cold or flu is a detoxification reaction that has the ability to strengthen your immune system like nothing else can. When we take medications that suppress our fever, we are actually impairing our immune system function and worsening our health. Suppressing your body’s natural immune response year after year increases the chances of acquiring serious diseases in the future and ensuring your flus and colds will increase in frequency and worsen in intensity over the years.
Mucus is your friend.
Mucus is produced in order to rid the body of bacteria, viruses, and other illness-producing contaminants. Taking medications that shut down your mucus production keeps the bad stuff in your body. How can we stay healthy with these bad “bugs” stuck in us? Where do they go and how do they affect us?
You can take control of your own health, save money, avoid current and future serious medical conditions, and feel empowered in taking care of yourself!
This class is intended for:
· parents who want to enhance their children’s fragile immune systems
· people whose cold/flu goes straight to their lungs
· those who get frequent colds/flus
· people with chronic disease or frequent infections
· anyone who wants to treat (and avoid) colds and flus in a more effective way
Call now to register! 720 - HEALER6 (720-432-5376)
Cost: $25
Early bird registration: Register by Thurs, Feb 20 for early bird price $20
Class location:
Chaparral Clinic: 5400 Ward Rd, Bldg 1, Suite 100, Arvada, CO 80002

Cleanse Class Series including 28-day Doctor-Supervised Cleansing Program: $395*
Cleanse package includes:
1 28-day cleanse kit
1 Nerve Tonic tincture
2 High Mineral (Electrolyte-replenishing) tea blends
1 Shaker Cup
Class Fees
Weekly Check-ins
Dr. Caravone is uniquely qualified as a medically-trained doctor as well as an expert in the cleansing process. She is able to address medical concerns as well as understand the intricacies and complexity of the cleansing process.
This particular cleanse is designed to be gentle yet effective in reversing a multitude of illnesses and diseases. To assimilate the body's natural responses to such a powerful cleanse, one week of preparation prior to the cleanse as well as one week of transitioning out of the cleanse are essential to this program.
*The cost of the cleansing program package (including cleansing supplies and groceries) is often less than or equal to most grocery budgets due to the limited foods allowed during the cleanse.
Come celebrate with us and join us for our open house gathering!
Thursday, October 3, 2013 from 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM.
Enjoy the H'ors Doevres, activities, information, and prizes.
Friends and families welcome!
~ Dr. Caravone
Open House
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 6:30-8:30PM
"Why would anyone want to do a 28-day cleanse?"
Informational Class on Cleansing to Reverse Disease and Illness
What is so different about a 28-day cleanse? Can it really reverse asthma, hypertension, high cholesterol, blood sugar disorders, cervical dysplasia, food allergies, cravings, chronic infections, eczema, acne, fatigue, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, digestive disorders, weight balancing, etc.?
Join us for an introductory class about 28-day cleanses and why this is the only cleanse that Dr. Caravone promotes.
This is an informational class only.
All attendees are eligible to receive a 10% discount off all supplements and supplies on the evening of the class.
Wednesdays, September 11 - October 9, 2013 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Cleansing to Reverse Disease and Illness (especially those with no known cure in Western Medicine)
5-week class series - every Wednesday from Sept 11 - Oct 9
For those who are ready to transform their body's physiology by taking on the 28-day cleanse, Dr. Caravone is supervising a 5-week class series to support you in your cleansing process.
Prerequisite: Informational Class on Cleansing to Reverse Disease and Illness (Sept 4) is required.
(Because cleansing is not appropriate for the body in winter, the next cleanse class will not be offered until Spring 2014.)
All attendees are eligible to receive a 10% discount off all supplements and supplies on the evening of the class.
6-week Cleanse Class Series
Reverse Illness and Achieve Optimal Health
A Cleansing and Detoxification Class Series
Most chronic illnesses start with poor digestion and/or assimilation of nutrients. By removing the accumulated toxicity and mucoid plaque from the small intestine and colon, you will achieve an OVER-ALL SYSTEMIC CLEANSE for every part of the body - from the ORGANS to the CELLS and everywhere in between.
Initial class: Informational class on how and why to cleanse, how to get started, what to expect: Thursday April 18th from 6:30-8:30 P.M.
Weekly Check-in gatherings: what to expect at each stage, questions, discussions, sharing experience, continued support:
Thursday April 25th from 7:00-8:00 P.M
Thursday May 2nd from 7:00-8:00 P.M.
Thursday May 9th from 7:00-8:00 P.M.
Thursday May 16th from 7:00-8:00 P.M.
Thursday May 23rd from 7:00-8:00 P.M.
Topics to be discussed:
Why we should cleanse
Reset your body’s proper physiological functioning
Clean out the toxins accumulated from modern life
Make progress in reversing illnesses related to toxicity:
-Eczema/acne/skin problems
-Autoimmune diseases
-Chronic diseases
-Impaired immune system
-Decreased energy
-Digestion disorders
-Weight balancing
And much more!
Why should I cleanse? Going through a cleanse is tough but rewarding, and with the right support, you can do it and make it through to the other side. Recapture your zest for life! Reclaim that youthful energy you know you have inside you. You can do this, and Dr. Caravone can help you see it through!
Arvigo Self Care Class
A Time of Discovery... Join us for a nurturing retreat to discover the ‘why’ and ‘how’ to support your own digestive and reproductive organs by using an ancient therapeutic technique that gently guides them back into proper placement. Through this therapy we restore the proper flows of blood, lymph, nerve impulses and energy throughout the belly. As a side effect, a variety of organ displacement symptoms can be helped. Of particular emphasis in this tradition is the placement of the uterus, which can ‘wander’ in the pelvis throughout a woman’s life, contributing to female issues such as painful menses, bladder incontinence, PMS, infertility, painful intercourse, difficult menopause. Other symptoms of organ displacement include low back pain, constipation, indigestion and digestive disorders such as IBS, benign swollen prostate, and low energy (to name a few). These techniques can also help normalize post-surgical scar tissue discomfort that can result from surgery (ex. hysterectomy). This approach to belly vitality is gentle, non-invasive, external, and easy to learn for yourself. I invite you to discover what it can do for you.
This 3 day course covers anatomy and physiology of the abdominal and reproductive organs, addresses causes and symptoms of malpositioned organs and demonstrates self-care techniques. Self Care also addresses herbal, nutritional, spiritual and emotional support for these therapeutic techniques to ensure comprehensive understanding of the modality and how it contributes to wellness. CEU’s are available for midwives, massage therapists, and acupuncturists.
Registration is done online through the Arvigo Institute, at www.arvigotherapy.com. This course is for self care only; it does not teach clinical applications. It is a prerequisite for advancement to Professional Care Training, Level 2.
For more information, contact instructor Dr. Kimberly Caravone, ND, MA
at 720-HEALER6 (720-432-5376) or at www.drcaravone.com
Dr. Kimberly Caravone, ND, MA is a licensed Naturopathic Physician in Arizona providing Naturopathic Medical care in both Arizona and Colorado. She teaches the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ in the same format as Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN. www.drcaravone.com
Naturopathic Philosophies
Naturopathic Medicine works to enhance the healing power of nature in our bodies, minds, and spirits. Learn how natural processes in the body can be stimulated by natural, safe, and noninvasive therapies and provide true reversals of disease.
Topics to be discussed include:
What Naturopathic Medicine is
Why so many people believe Naturopathic Medicine is more effective than conventional medicine
The difference between a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and a Naturopath
Understanding how the body heals
Discovering how true healing occurs
Please call 720-healer6 (720-432-5376) to register for the class.
Thursday, January 31 from 6:30-8:30 PM
3671 S Huron St | Suite 302 | Englewood, CO 80110 | 720-HEALER6 (720.432-5326)
4525 South Lakeshore Drive | Suite103 | Tempe, AZ 85282 | 480.353.0798
www.drcaravone.com | dr@drcaravone.com
Cold and Flu Class
Natural Healing Through the Cold and Flu Season
Dr. Caravone will be teaching a class on natural remedies to help recover more quickly from the cold and flu.
When: Thursday December 6th from 6:30 to 8:30.
Where: 3671 S. Huron Street
Topics to be discussed include:
-Discover the fastest ways to get relief from your cold or flu symptoms
-Lessen your chances of contracting more serious illnesses by addressing colds and flus naturally
-Learn naturopathic methods of strengthening the immune system
-Keeping colds and flus from affecting the lungs
-What are the benefits of a fever? Should we support fevers or fight them?
-Should I get a flu shot or not?
-How do I keep my symptoms from worsening every year?
Please call 720-healer6 (720-432-5376) to register for the class.
3671 S Huron St | Suite 302 | Englewood, CO 80110 | 720-HEALER6 (720.432-5326)
4525 South Lakeshore Drive | Suite103 | Tempe, AZ 85282 | 480.353.0798
www.drcaravone.com | dr@drcaravone.com